Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Alternative Healing Wednesdays


The best source of healing (other than healthy foods) is pure water. Unfortunately, that is becoming harder to obtain. Our food and water supplies have had increasing amounts of contaminates from natural and man made sources. From natural weather catastrophes to corporate greed, the purity of these two basic life sustaining needs are diminishing more each and everyday.

Carcinogens are in the pipes that carry water to our homes, containers that supply us with foods, and inside the very foods we eat at the genetic level. Our bodies can only detoxify a small amount of chemicals that we ingest per day when we are eating optimally.  How can we expect our bodies to do so when we eat junk?

Our body was created to naturally balance itself.  This process is called "homeostasis". We can assist the process with whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, legumes (beans), healthy oils, etc.

But, water is also essential.  Without water, we die.  Our bodies are 97% water. Juices, teas, and coffee are not a substitute for water.

I would say, personally, get a good filtration system for your water. One that filters heavy metals, and chlorine.  The popular brands (Britta and Pur) still allow for and add back fluoride.  You do not need additional fluoride. But, these filters are better than no filtration.  In my research reverse-osmosis is the best filtration system.  But, for the average household it is too expensive.

A person with average to good health should be drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water daily.  When detoxifying it should increase to 8-10 glasses a day!

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