Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Alternative Healing Wednesdays

Rose Water

Rose water is made by distillation of hundreds of flower petals. Rose water is used in food, cosmetics, and confections. It is a delicacy in the Middle East.

Rose Water is antiseptic tonic for the skin.  It assists in dry skin to re-hydrate.  Rose Water is exceptional for mature inflamed and sensitive skin.

Rose Wine

Comes from Persia. It is an ancient form of wine. It was used by royalty as a digestive, with its mild stimulating qualities.  It is thought to be good for the heart.

Rose Vinegar

Using the petals of the rose, they are placed within the vinegar to be tinctured.  It has a cooling effect, and good for the digestion.  I use rose petal tincture made with vodka for regularity...and calm the digestive tract.

Rose vinegar can be used on fruit salads.remove the stems, and green heels before placing in vinegar. Make as you would a tincture.

Rose Hips - Free Stock Photo

Rose Hips

Can be used in wine, teas and syrup.  First you remove the irritation causing hairs, to prepare them for use. Fresh hips can be pureed and made into a jam, or with the addition of lemon juice made into a sauce for lamb.

Rose Hips contain vitamins B, F, K, and high quantities of  vitamin C. To use just for vitamin content use as a tea, or as syrup. It is one of the ingredients in both of my immune-boosting formulas for staving off influenza and colds in the winter months.

Flower Petals

Like Calendula, can be eaten fresh in salads. the fresh petals are used in potpourri, wreaths and garlands, to create a delightful scent throughout the home.  It has a calming affect on the nerves.

Petals can also be crystallized and used as a garnish on confections or deserts. You can make custard with the petals, as well. The Chinese make a Rose Petal liqueur in a pork dish.

Rose Syrup

Is used in confections, for making all manner of delightful deserts. I suppose it would be an interesting change in pancake or french toast recipes as well.


Bremness, Lesley.  The Complete Book of Herbs: a practical guide to growing & using herbs. Penguin, 1994.

Rose: (gift of the angels) rosa damascena.  Kamlesh Ayurveda (Aroma Therapy).

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