Friday, March 16, 2012


A person can see a change in their health just by eliminating from their diet “empty calories”.  By this, I mean processed and refined foods such as “enriched” flour, white sugar, and pre-packaged meals. But to prevent disease, or slow down the process of a debilitating disease it means re-arranging your thinking about what you eat, and dietary change.

 Artichokes. Watercolor on paper. Copr. Donna Duncan, 2002

But keep in mind, that healing through diet is a slow process, taking a lot of determination and will-power.  It certainly was for me! I had to retrain my taste buds as I learned how to eat better.  

The American public is used to going to the doctor and getting a pill or shot for health issues.  But, what is interesting to me, not always feeling better after starting medication.  They often experience side-affects and are given “remedies” for the side-affects. 

We are a lazy society. Americans want instant gratification without any effort.  Overall, food preparation is left in the hands of food producers, in pre-packaged meals. We get instant packaged foods that you just “add water” to eat.

If you are not having health problems, than consider changing your diet as a preventative. You know the old adage: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”? 

Let’s look at some facts about American health:

Statistics have shown that the rate of increase in cancer cases within the United States has increased 47% for males, 38% for women.  The worst part of this statistic is that the “rates at which we die from cancer are the highest in the world (Campbell and Campbell, 12)”.

Obesity is on the increase in the United States.  According to the National Center for Health Statistics 1/3 of the adults over 20 years old are obese!  A person is considered obese when a person is carrying a third or more weight above what is considered healthy.

Diabetes also has increased.  The increase in the 30-39 year old age range is 70%. What is more alarming is that 34% statistically may not even be aware they have the disease!

According to The China Study “…the most pervasive killer in our culture is not obesity, diabetes or cancer. It is Heart Disease (15)”.  Heart disease can be prevented by eating healthier, it can also be reversed.

-T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas M. Campbell II. The China Study.  BenBella Books, 2005

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